Great for last minute and late deals on hotel rooms in Spain.
See Expedia Benidorm top sellers

Expedia Benidorm


Great deals on 300+ hotels in Benidorm and 10,000+ across Spain from a trusted UK based travel brand. Expedia.co.uk are well known for discount deals saving 10%+ and room upgrades with free breakfasts on selected hotel brands, subject to date of arrival.

Book a hotel and flight together and save more. Flight-inclusive Packages created on Expedia.co.uk are financially protected by their ATOL. Not all purchases are protected.**

Expedia.co.uk top pick hotels we think you might like!

Expedia.co.uk H10 Porto Poniente Benidorm rooms and reviews
H10 Porto Poniente

Poniente Beachfront
Newly built in 2020
Ideal for couples
Rooftop pool & bar
Room upgrade options

Expedia.co.uk Barcelo Beach Benidorm
Barcelo Benidorm Beach

Levante Beachfront
New opened in 2023
Playa Levante / Old Town
Adults recommended
Superb location

Expedia.co.uk Hotel Helios Benidorm
Hotel Helios

Levante Beach 350m
Weekly market 100m
Renovated in 2019
Gym, sauna & massages
B&B and half board options

Expedia.co.uk Mercure Benidorm
Mercure Benidorm

Poniente Beach 450m
New in 2022
Great breakfast here
Privilege room upgrades
Restaurant with terrace

Expedia.co.uk Presidente Benidorm
Hotel Presidente

Levante beach 200m
New hotel built in 2018
Nightlife & pubs 0m
Kids club in summer
2 outdoor pools

Expedia.co.uk Halley by Melia
Halley Aparthotel
***Melia affiliated

Levante Beach 500m
2 pools (1 kids pool)
Cafe snack bar
Ultra modern rooms
Studios, 1 & 2 bedrooms

Expedia.co.uk Orange Hotel Benidorm
Servigroup Hotel Orange
***adults recommended

Levante beach 250m
Disco pubs & show bars 0m
Adult recommended hotel
Late and lively location
B&B half or full board

Expedia.co.uk RH Canfali Gastrohotel Benidorm
RH Canfali Gastrohotel
****gourmet dining

Plaza Castilla 20m
Nightlife & pubs 100m
Levante beach 150
Sky cocktail bar & dining
Rooftop plunge pool

Expedia Benidorm

** Flight-inclusive Packages created on Expedia.co.uk are financially protected by the ATOL scheme (under Expedia, Inc.'s ATOL number 5788). ATOL protection does not apply to all travel services listed on their website but you may still be financially protected when booking certain travel services listed on this website that are outside the scope of the ATOL scheme. Please them to confirm what financial protection may apply to your booking. This website and general terms and conditions will provide you with information on the protection that applies in the case of each travel service offered before you make your booking. If you do not receive an ATOL Certificate then the booking will not be ATOL protected. If you do receive an ATOL Certificate but all the parts of your trip are not listed on it, those parts will not be ATOL protected.

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